The toor dal plant, also known as the pigeon pea plant, goes through several stages of growth and development from seed germination to maturity. Here are the different stages:
Stage 1: Seed Germination (7-10 days)
1. Seeds germinate, and seedlings emerge with two cotyledons.
2. The radicle (primary root) develops, and the seedling becomes established.
Stage 2: Seedling Stage (10-14 days)
1. The seedling develops its first set of true leaves.
2. The taproot system develops, and the plant starts to photosynthesize.
Stage 3: Vegetative Growth Stage (14-30 days)
1. The plant grows taller, and more leaves are produced.
2. Branching occurs, and the plant starts to produce lateral shoots.
Stage 4: Flowering Stage (30-50 days)
1. Flowers appear in clusters at the end of branches.
2. Flowers are self-pollinating, but cross-pollination can occur.
Stage 5: Pod Formation Stage (50-70 days)
1. Pods develop from the flowers, containing several seeds.
2. Pods grow and mature, turning from green to brown.
Stage 6: Seed Maturation Stage (70-100 days)
1. Seeds mature and dry inside the pods.
2. Pods split open, releasing the mature seeds.
Stage 7: Harvesting Stage (100-120 days)
1. Mature seeds are harvested, usually by hand or machine.
2. Seeds are dried further to reduce moisture content.
Stage 8: Post-Harvest Stage
1. Seeds are processed for consumption, including cleaning, grading, and packaging.
2. Seeds can be stored for later use or sold in markets.
The entire life cycle of the toor dal plant typically takes around 100-120 days, depending on factors like climate, soil, and farming practices.
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