I'll create a visual guide of popular South Indian white chana recipes, including their key ingredients and preparation methods.
Let me detail each recipe:
1. Chana Sundal:
- Preparation:
* Soak chana overnight
* Boil until tender
* Temper with mustard seeds, curry leaves
* Garnish with coconut
- Serving: As evening snack or festival prasadam
- Nutritional highlight: High protein, low oil
2. Chana Usili:
- Preparation:
* Grind soaked chana coarsely
* Steam the ground mixture
* Crumble and temper with spices
* Mix with cooked vegetables
- Serving: As side dish with rice
- Texture: Crumbly and dry
3. Chana Curry:
- Preparation:
* Pressure cook chana
* Make coconut milk-based gravy
* Season with sambar powder
* Simmer until thick
- Serving: With rice or dosa
- Consistency: Medium-thick gravy
4. Chana Kosumalli:
- Preparation:
* Boil chana until tender
* Mix with finely chopped vegetables
* Season with lemon juice
* Garnish with fresh coconut
- Serving: As salad or side dish
- Style: Light and refreshing
Common Tips for All Recipes:
1. Always soak chana overnight
2. Use fresh curry leaves for authentic flavor
3. Don't overcook to maintain texture
4. Add salt after cooking chana
5. Use fresh coconut when possible
Purchase Lakeena Dal via Online - www.seenaavaanaa.com
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